Hey again! To finish up filming, we had three more shots to get! Another book, showing “Written by”; the friendship bracelets, showing “Executive producer”; and a phone screen, showing “Music by.” We first took a shot of the book. We had already accounted for all the required shots in our movie, so we had some more freedom with this. We decided to play around with the Dutch angle. We removed some books from the shelf and placed one book, the subject of our shot. We placed it so that it was slanted, and diagonal compared to the top and bottom, horizontal lines of the bookshelf, and the side-to-side, vertical lines of the books. The shot started with the vertical lines vertical, the horizontal lines horizontal, and our book slanted - making it a bit challenging to read the title. As the shot progressed, I rotated the camera so the text on our book spine was legible. The other lines in the shot were now slanted - our book is now the only thing making sense in the shot’s contex...