Trying to get Music!

 Hey! Our group has done so much planning and we are finally ready to make moves! The first thing we started with on our final task was music.

To start, we all looked through our Spotify playlists, trying to think of anything that would fit our movie. After some time, one of us finally suggested we use the Radiohead song, “Everything in Its Right Place.” It seemed like a perfect fit for our concept. And after talking to my dad about it, that was even more confirmed. The song was written to depict themes of depression, confusion, and trying to find a place in the world. There are very similar themes within our movie! 

Amelie got to work right away, we found as many people related to Radiohead as possible. We reached out on every platform. This includes email, Instagram, and Twitter. After some waiting time, Amelie was written back! She got a message back from Colin Greenwood’s Instagram account. We couldn’t believe it! He said he would help us get the rights to the song for our final task.

But then things got weird. He offered us the rights for the song if we sent him “Steam” gift-cards, PayPal, or cryptocurrency. These were red flags for sure. We kept communications just in case, but eventually stopped when the conversation steered too far away from our intentions. 

Eventually the account got taken down from Instagram. That was when we realized that the account was DEFINITELY a scam. 

So, we are back to square one. We REALLY don’t want to use royalty free music, so we are still trying! Fingers crossed!


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