Editing Process!
After filming, we all headed back to my house. This has become our habitual editing location. We all file into my bedroom, Isaac sits on a stool beside me, at my desk, and Amelie and Lilly lay on my bed on their stomachs. We all face my desktop computer screen, which becomes the most important thing for the next 45 minutes. I had previously uploaded the videos from our first day of filming to my computer, so all I now had to worry about was the transfer of day #2’s videos. There weren’t as many as the first time, so I was easily able to airdrop from my phone to my computer. I dragged in all of the videos in the correct order of where titles must go. I added everything in and we were at about 3 minutes of footage. That was when we collectively started to panic. We realized that after cutting everything down to the right length, there would be no way for us to reach 2 minutes. We kept going back and forth on what to prioritize. The integrity of the production and storyl...