Prepping for Filming Day #2

 Hey! So on Saturday, Amelie, Isaac, and Lilly visited my house. We met up at about 10:30 am. Amelie arrived at 10, so I showed her the props I had been working on the night before. They looked excellent!

I “made” three books by printing out book jackets that would fit well. I also wrote a title on a Sharpie pen, as we had planned. But, it did not turn out at all how I had wanted it to. I was extremely disappointed. So, when Amelie got to my house, I asked her advice and we decided to make two friendship bracelets for the last needed title. They needed to describe that “Sammie Burton” was the executive producer. So we made one bracelet that said “EXEC PROD” which equated to “executive producer” and another one that had two layers. The top layer said “SAMMIE” and the bottom layer said “BURTON.”

After spilling the beads a few times, which I was extremely frustrated with, I finished the bracelet! It was only when I put it on Amelie’s hand that I realized I had misspelled the name. Instead of “BURTON” I wrote “BRUTON.” It was an honest mistake, as I had been racing to finish it, but I was disappointed nonetheless. We decided that it would be okay for one name to be spelled incorrectly, as there were no real people involved in the production of our final task - except ourselves of course.

After we finished the bracelets, I drove us all to breakfast. A bagel shop is right next to our filming location, so it was extremely convenient. We had a very pleasant interaction with a funny employee and had our breakfast. Soon after, we drove next door to Barnes & Noble.

Here are the bracelets!


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