Production Blog: Getting Ready!

Hi again! We don't film until this Saturday, but I've been doing things in preparation. As I will be contributing to the editing process for this video, I deemed it necessary to practice using different softwares. My dad brought home s microphone from his studio a few weeks ago. In all honesty, its sat on my desk for a while. But finally, a few nights ago, I took it out, and hooked it up to my interface, and then to my desktop. I used that interface as my input on Garage Band. It was so interesting to record with something so professional, compared to my phone's microphone. I tweaked the features of the controls. I raised the value of the compressor and raised the high levels on the EQ. It is so cool what a difference the click of a mouse can make for sound. I am very interested in this field. I plan on editing our track in Garage Band. I will then drop the track into what we will use for editing, which will most likely be iMovie. 

The features of the controls I tried out!

Additionally, I've been trying out the fish eye lens. It's so cool, it can attach it directly to my phone's camera. I've caught myself laughing at the results multiple times! Especially the close ups of faces. It does a good job of distorting and elongating things. I'm so excited to use it for the music video! Anyways, I'll continue to update. See ya!


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