My group for the Music Video

For the music video, I am working with Amelie De Kegel, Isaac Gafanovich, and Lilly Gonzalez. Last year, I worked with both Lilly and Isaac for Component III of Global Perspectives. Since then, we have grown closer. I trust their work ethic and productivity. I've also know Amelie for years. Each of us are addicted to listening to music. We sum up hundreds of thousands of streaming minutes on Spotify each year. We religiously listen to our favorite artists, and share new releases and discoveries with each other.

Our group!

Because of this shared passion, deciding the perfect song for our video took some time. Lilly first suggested we use a song by Phoebe Bridgers, my favorite artist. While I love the song, I didn't want to get sick of it after the inevitable repetition of filming and editing. We then considered a song by The Beatles because there are four of us in our group. Well, that's definitely not the only reason. The Beatles were so influential to the evolution of music! It was a top contender until Amelie suggested "Say It Ain't So" by Weezer. She proposed it to us each individually until we realized that we all shared the same, supportive opinion. It is a powerful rock song with a cool solo! I am so excited to get started!
The song we picked!


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