Production Blog: I changed my mind...

 I was talking to my dad about my commercial today. I told him about my plans to sequence my old photographs with the addition of background music. He looked at my pictures and made a great suggestion: to use some old home videos! With the inclusion of videos, I've decided to resort back to iMovie. I want to be sure the program can handle such high-volume files, and I trust my computer with that task more than I do my phone. 

I started the lengthy task of sorting through the many videos. I am a sucker for baby videos, so choosing the best ones among the hours of, what I consider to be, incredible footage was very hard. I narrowed it down to about eleven clips from the early years of my life and found some on the family iCloud from more recent years. I like the clips from earlier on much more. They are so nostalgic and fit my song choice so well! I have to work to find recent clips that will also fit the vibe of my commercial.

I'm not happy to say this, as it means my previous work was for nothing, but I've completely changed my mind about the direction of my commercial. I truly believe that videos are going to completely kick it up a notch. 

My editing progress thus far!

So, I added the audio and the early home videos into iMovie and started to edit. I've been strategically cutting the videos at specific places with the most action. I do not want to have any empty space, which I feel will make the video tedious. In my opinion, this style of video is best fitted for fast cuts. I find this to be especially true relating it back to the fast-paced nature of my song choice. 

I forgot how much fun editing can be! I had to force myself to stop so I wouldn't stay up all night! It is so cool to see something shape up right before your eyes. 

That's all for now! I'll keep working. See ya!


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